ABC-SEMI Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 3, 2024
Dr. John Mlinarcik, founder of PCS-Global leads the group through a personality workshop.
“Everyone that stood up and spoke in front of us conveyed themselves in a manner that I would person ally like to achieve one day, and that in itself inspired me, but also gave me some hope that there are kind people out there who are trying to make changes that benefit our country and other people, and ones that impact indi viduals in positive and productive ways. I thought it was an excellent first seminar,” McElroy said. From here, the Emerging Profes sionals are off to Lansing to meet with their local state reps and understand how politics affect the industry. The group will also be learning from a number of ABC SEMI members who are experts in law, safety, technology, strategic planning and leadership. Follow along with their journey on the ABC Southeastern Michigan Face book page @abcsoutheasternmi. If you would like to participate or have an employee participate, the application for the 2025 Profes sional Development series will open in the winter. ICC owner Luke Beach (left) and RCC owner Robert Clancy (right) talk to the group about their ABC experiences.
Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 3 2024
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