ICPI Issue 2 2019

interlockutor Interlocking Electrons

L ast winter’s magazine prominently featured, at the 100th issue, a landmark publication that also celebrated the 25-year existence and accomplishments of the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI). Past issues from the current publisher can be read here and those prior to that can be read here . A lovely and interesting 40-page publication and video recounting the history of the industry and ICPI can be downloaded here . After 25 years of printed magazines, we are starting down the road of exclusively distributing this publication electronically. We can enjoy decreased production time and costs, more trees available for CO 2 uptake, plus other environmental benefits from a digital-only publication format. More importantly, we can increase and target circulation to those most interested in our content via email pending permission from such readers.

David R. Smith

 Continues on page 3

The first and last printed magazine issues in 1994 and 2019.

After 25 years of printed magazines, we are starting down the road of exclusively distributing this publication electronically.


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